MX Merchant Ideas

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emailing receipt....... how do we know if the email went through or not?????

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  • Aug 17 2017
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  • Ana Moore commented
    17 Nov, 2022 05:28am

    If the recipient did receive an email message and opened it, there are ways to know. Some tools include: Read Receipts– email notifications sent back to the sender to confirm that a message has been read.

  • Jennifer Autian commented
    5 Jun, 2018 07:00pm

    Not sure if this was the original intent of the idea - but here's my further description of the idea.  When sending an email through mx to send invoice, receipt, etc - there is no notification that email has been read nor any notification if it was a bad email address or the email was dropped/bounced/failed.  Usually, the merchant hears from the customer after several days that it wasn't received rather than knowing proactively that the email did not go through.  It would be 'extremely' helpful if there was a notification sent to the merchant if the email failed in any way so that they could take corrective action.