MX Merchant Ideas

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Ability to BCC Receipt to More than One e-mail Address

Currently, MX6 only allows a merchant to add one e-mail address on the BCC receipt option.
We have had several requests to make that field accept multiple e-mail addresses in the event that it is necessary that more than one person be notified of a sale.

  • Allie Klarman
  • Dec 15 2016
  • Shipped
  • Mar 20, 2017

    Admin response

    We understand, there is more than one person that needs to be notified or have access to the receipts that are sent. With that being said we are happy to inform you that this feature is now available under the Receipt Settings (same place you set them up before) but now you will notice the field looks a little different. 

    If you already had an email in there where the receipts were being sent it will still be there just now with a blue tag. To add another email simply click within that same box and then start typing the next email. When you are finished hit: enter, comma, or space on your keyboard to lock in the next email address. There is currently no limit so you can add as many emails as you'd like to receive this information

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    16 Dec, 2016 10:37pm

    This would be an amazing feature and be extremely useful.  Is any work being done to make this happen?